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Everything you Need to Know about Securing Cloud Data

Saving photos, videos, and documents on computer devices is a thing of the past. There used to be hard drives filled with all kinds of information. Today, people are more comfortable storing their files in the cloud. Cloud storage is something that is away from your devices and the files are stored on servers hosted by third-party providers.

The Build-Operate-Transfer Model in IT Outsourcing Explained

Sometimes in the IT Industry, there is a severe drought of budget-friendly, qualified development resources, and companies of various sizes are on the lookout for offshore IT talent. The current global IT outsourcing market is worth $375 billion and has been steadily increasing. The number of companies looking to outsource their IT solutions to reduce their overall operational cost has reached over 50% globally.

The Benefits of Managed IT Services for your Business

Whether you are a serious IT person or a business conglomerate, managed IT services make your job easier so you can focus on relevant tasks. Managed IT Services can help you expand your core business proposition by helping you manage daily, time-consuming tasks such as
Data computing
Disaster recovery planning
End-User Support
Cyber Security and many more.

The Seven Layers of IT Security

For most people, it’s common to think that computer security is as simple as throwing a firewall and using some anti-virus software. While this might be true for personal computers, business security is much more complex. The idea of a single solution security system was never applicable to business networks. There is not one but seven security layers when it comes to securing IT infrastructure.

Everything you Need to Know about Securing Cloud Data

Saving photos, videos, and documents on computer devices is a thing of the past. There used to be hard drives filled with all kinds of information.

The Build-Operate-Transfer Model in IT Outsourcing Explained

Sometimes in the IT Industry, there is a severe drought of budget-friendly, qualified development resources, and companies of various sizes are on the lookout for offshore IT talent.

The Benefits of Managed IT Services for your Business

Whether you are a serious IT person or a business conglomerate, managed IT services make your job easier so you can focus on relevant tasks.

The Seven Layers of IT Security

For most people, it’s common to think that computer security is as simple as throwing a firewall and using some anti-virus software. While this might be true for personal computers, business security is much more complex.

9 Trends Shaping the Future of IT

IT is on the brink of some irreversible changes. Every major company across the world is experiencing a shift in the business of technology.

How to Choose the Right Offshore Development Partner

Offshore development partner offers a host of advantages for your company, but they can only be seen if you choose the right team.

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